products on sale on the website La BOUTIQUE BIO are dispatched for legal
reasons from Pondicherry - INDIA by the company: ALEX HEALTHY AND
NATURAL PRIVATE LIMITED, for the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD - St James Court Suite 308 - St Denis Street - Port Louis - Republic of Mauritius, the only one responsible for its commercial activity, .
Any order supposes the consultation and total acceptance without
reserves of the general conditions stipulated hereafter.
The customer recognizes perfectly informed being owing to the fact that
its agreement concerning the contents of these general conditions does
not require the handwritten signature of this document. The customer has
faculty to safeguard and publish the present general conditions, under
his responsibility.
present general conditions have the aim of defining the rights and
obligations of the parts within the framework of the sale on line of
goods and services suggested by the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD.
the contents of this website are limited to information and the general
use. We will not be held responsible for the damage resulting from the
use of information of this site. Consequently, you accept that the use
of information and the products of this site is under your whole
Electronic signature
The “click” of the customer under the purchase order
constitutes an electronic signature which has, between the parties, the
same value as a handwritten signature.
Proof of transaction
computerized registers, preserved in the information processing systems
of the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD will be regarded as the
evidence of the communications, the orders and the payments occurred
between the parts. The filing of the purchase orders and the invoices
is carried out on a reliable and durable support being able to be
produced as proof.
The goal of the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD is to enable
you to be able to buy products of quality at less expensive possible
Consequently we store only the minimum of products necessary
with an aim first of proposing the best prices to you but also in order
to guarantee the best freshness of the products.
The ayurvedic products have deadlines of use sometimes very short and
are increasingly more effective when they are more recent.
Certain products can be unavailable, in out-of-stock condition or even
their marketing stopped . We will immediately warn you in the event of
unavailability of a product and we will decide together the action to
be taken.
It is the customer's responsability to check if the
products he is ordering are conformed to the legislation in force in
his country.
The company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD cannot be considered as responsible for the refusal of
importation by the customs in case of a possible, but unlikely,
customer is expressly informed that the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD is not the producer of the products presented on this
website, within the meaning of the law n°98-389 of May 19, 1998
and relating to responsibility of defective products. Consequently, in
the event of any damage caused to a person or a good by a defect of a
product, only the responsibility for the producer of this product could
be sought by the customer, on the basis of information being reproduced
on the product's packing. The conditions of use and the warranty
of the producer are indicated on the products.
The photographs are proposed only as illustration and are not
contractual. The packing of a product presented can have changed or
that one being unavailable from a supplier we can also dispatch
you its equivalent available from another supplier.
The products are delivered to the address indicated by the customer on
the purchase order.
The customer is held to check the state of the packing of the goods to
the delivery and to announce the damage, if any, to the conveyor on the
delivery order, and also to the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD, within one week. The customer can, with his request, obtain the
sending by email of an invoice established at the billing-address.
With regard to forwarding, we work with INDIA POST (the Indian post
office). As soon as we proceed to a sending, you will receive an email
immediately informing you as well as the photograph of the receipt of
sending provided by INDIA POST.
We currently propose to you 3 formulas of mode of delivery at the
maximum, according to countries.
Each formula makes it possible to you to recover the products ordered
from your post office close to the address of delivery in the event of
absence of the place of initial delivery at the time of the initial
All our sendings are carried out in Registered (Letter, Parcel and
However, it may be, as in any forwarding, a delay in delivery or the
product can be mislaid. In the event of delay of delivery compared to
the time indicated, we ask you to warn us so that we can start research.
We will contact INDIA POST to start an investigation. An investigation
can last up to 90 days as from the date of beginning of investigation.
If during this time, the product is found, it will be rebooked
immediately in your residence (majority of the cases). If the product
is not found at the end of the investigation, INDIA POST will consider
the parcel as lost.
It is only at this time that we will be able:
1 - to return you the same order, the products and the costs carriage
being to our load, if you had subscribed the insurance.
2 - to return you nothing if you did not subscribe the insurance.
The mode of sending in Registered is extremely reliable and thus does
not include insurance.
If the ordered products are not available any more at this time, we
will offer you identical products for an equivalent amount or a
refunding of your order.
We decline any responsibility as for lengthening for the delivery
periods because of the conveyor, in particular in the event of loss of
the products or strike or other incidents independent of our will.
BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD company reserves the right to suspend
any management of order and any delivery in the event of refusal of
authorization of payment per bank card on behalf of the officially
accredited organizations or in the event of non payment. The company
BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD reserves in particular the right to
refuse to carry out a delivery or to deliver an order emanating with a
customer who would not have regulated completely or partially a preceding
order or with which a litigation of payment would be in the course of
Problems with delivery
In the event of problems of delivery because of the conveyor, any
anomaly concerning the delivery (damages, produced missing compared to
the delivery order, damaged parcel, broken products…) will
have to be imperatively indicated on the delivery order in the form of
“handwritten reserves”, accompanied by the
signature of the customer. The customer will have in parallel to confirm
this anomaly by addressing to the conveyor in the two (2) following
working days the delivery date a registered mail with acknowledgement
of delivery exposing the mentioned complaints. The customer will have to
transmit a copy of this mail by email to : contact@la-boutique-bio.com,
or by simple mail to : Alex Healthy and Natural Pvt Ltd - # 5, Fourth Cross Second Street - First floor - Rainbow Nagar - Pondicherry 605011 -
In the event of error in the preparation of the order, the customer will
have to formulate near the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD the
very same day of the delivery or at the latest the first working day
following the delivery, any complaint of nonconformity of the products
in quality or in quantity compared to the indications being reproduced
on the purchase order. Any complaint formulated beyond this time will
be rejected.
The formulation of this complaint near the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD could be made by connecting you on our site in the
heading “Contact Us” where you will be able to
write your complaint or by directly sending an email to:
With reception of your complaint, the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD will allot a number of exchange product and will communicate it
to you by e-mail. The exchange of a product can take place only after
the attribution of a number of exchange according to the step indicated
Every product to exchange or refund will have to be sent in Registered
parcel to the following address: Alex Healthy and Natural Pvt Ltd - # 5, Fourth Cross Second Street - First floor - Rainbow Nagar - Pondicherry 605011 -
The expenses of sending will be the responsibility of the company Alex
Healthy and Natural Pvt Ltd, except if the taken again product does not
correspond to the declaration of origin made by the customer in the good
of return.
of order
customer has a 7 working days deadline to send back, with his expenses,
the products not agreeing him.
This time court as from the day of the delivery of the order to the
customer. If this deadline expires one Saturday, one Sunday or a public
holiday, it is extended until the first next working day.
Any return will have to be announced as a preliminary to the Customer
service by connecting you on our site in the heading “Contact
Us” or by sending an email to : contact@la-boutique-bio.com.
The product will have to be sent back in Registered parcel to : Alex
Healthy and Natural Pvt Ltd - # 5, Fourth Cross Second Street - First floor -
Rainbow Nagar - Pondicherry 605011 - INDIA.
Only will be taken back the products returned as a whole, in their
packing of origin complete and intact, and in a perfect state of
resale. Every product which have been damaged, or whose packing of
origin would have been deteriorated, will not be refunded nor
exchanged. This right of retractation is exerted without penalty,
except for the expenses of return. On the assumption of the exercise of
the right of retractation, the customer has the choice to ask either for
the refunding of the paid sums, or the exchange of the product. In the
case of an exchange, the reforwarding will be done at the expenses of
the customer. In the event of excercice of the right of retractation,
the customer will be refunded within 15 days maximum, by
recrédit of its bank account.
the event of litigation or of complaint, the customer will apply in
priority to the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD to obtain a
friendly solution. In the event of litigations unsolved by amicable
agreement (what appears not very probable) responsibility is allocate
to the courts of Port St Louis - Mauritius exclusively.
The material contained on this Web site is the exclusive property of
the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD which reserves the right
to make changes constantly and this without notice. The customer cannot
in no case use, print or reformate the contents of the website at ends
other than private or family.
He commits himself not to download, reproduce, transmit, sell or
distribute the contents of the website without the authorization
express of the company BIOVEDIK INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD.