Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana) is a plant originating in the North of South America, used since hundreds of years by populations of Brazil and Paraguay as a
sweetener. It has been also consumed in Japan for more than 25 years when it replaces very advantageously, in all the ?light? products, aspartam (
which is a violent neurotoxic poison) which is formally not allowed there.
To knowm more on this subject please click on:
?Aspartame - violent neurotoxic poison ?.
This plant is also used for its medicinal properties because it is regarded as being cardiotonic, diuretic, hypotensive, hypoglycemic and it is used in the cases of
diabetes, obesity, hypertension, fatigue, depression or tooth decay, among others.
Stevia makes it possible to reduce the sugar level in blood, the acid uric rate and the morbid need for sugar as well as the formation of dental plaque.
It also showed vasodilator properties and a certain effectiveness in the treatment of cutaneous disorders as
acn? or prurit and disorders due to a
bad circulation.
It is rich in terpenes, flavono?des and in st?vioside (6 to 18% of the leaf) which is the principal ?sweetening? agent tested as being approximately
300 times softer than sugar and also contains: proteins, fibres, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A and C.
The other principal sweetening agents are in particular the st?violboside, rebausioside A-E and the dulcoside A.
The great interest of Stevia also lies in the fact that it brings
This plant is truly a TREASURE OF NATURE; It is now available in
ORGANIC CERTIFIEDquality, for your greatest benefit, in its most complete form, which guarantees a maximum effectiveness :
powder of dehydrated leaves also know under the name of
" green powder ?!
Composition :
100% stevia leaves in powder
Equivalence with sugar: 1 sugar tea spoon = 1/8 spoon of stevia leaves in powder.
Mode of employment: With hot drinks: Use directly in the cup or the teapot while letting infuse 1 or 2 minutes.
With culinary preparations (pastry makings, ices, etc. ) : Make infuse the necessary quantity in a little ebullient water during a few minutes then filter it and use the water thus obtained.
OFFERED gracefully with each purchase of Stevia: A small very practical plastic box, with a dosing lid to carry away your Stevia with you everywhere