Spirulina is a micro alga which is doubtless one of the most former inhabitants of our planet Its food value was already known and appreciated by the old Aztecs because it pushed naturally in the lake Texoco in Mexique.
It was also consumed traditionally by native Africans of the surroundings of the lake Chad.
It was ? re-discovered? in the Sixties and it is still regarded nowadays as Supreme source of nutrition for the humanity.
Spirulina is rich in proteins, mineral salts, essential vitamins and fatty acids very digestable and easily assimilables.
A daily portion provides to the human organism assimilable iron, provitamin A, many vitamins of the group B of which the vitamin B12, the vitamin E and the gamma-linoleic acids among others.
Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium are present in quantity comparable with the cow milk.
As comparison, 10 grs of spirulina contains as much of:
- IRON than : 72 grs of whole corn, 450 grs of spinaches or 90 grs of calf liver
- VITAMIN than : 14 eggs or 4,5 litres of cow milk
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Click here to download a document (132 KB) in french concerning the nutritional aspects of the spirulina.
Analye average for 100 grams :
Proteins 65 G - Lipids 5 G - Glucids 18 G - Minerals 7 G - Fibres 5 g. Vitamin A 140 Mg - Vitamin E 10 Mg - Vitamin B1 3.5 Mg - Vitamin B2 4 Mg - B12 Vitamin 0.32 Mg - calcium 1000 Mg - Phosphorus 800 Mg - Magnesium 400 Mg - Potassium 1400 Mg - Acid gamma-linoleic 1000 Mg - Iron 150 Mg - Zinc 3 Mg - Copper 1.2 Mg - Manganese 5 Mg - Chromium 0.3 Mg
Dosage advised:
Adults: 2 to 3 grs per day - Children: 1 gr. per day.
Another use of spirulina : The REJUNVENATIVE MASK
Spirulina is also known for its rejuvenative properties.
Mix a tea spoon of powder spirulina with sufficient water to obtain a paste.
Apply to the face and let dry. When the skin starts to draw, clean with tepid water. Judge by yourself the results!