Most efficacious in overcoming all pregnancy troubles, stabilising the foetus and ensuring easy delivery.
This product can be used in place of DHANWANTARAM GULIKA or VAYU GULIKA for all : women, en and children.
Dosage :
For expectant mother without trouble :
take 1 pill with 25 ml of cuminseed decoction early morning empty stomach
For expectant mother having trouble :
repeat the intake in the evening and/or at intervals.
Cuminseed decoction can be used as the "vehicule" (anupana) in cas of any trouble.
However, according to the trouble, another "vehicle" may be used for a better efficiency :
- Incase of asthma, strained breathing, hiccup :
Make a decoction with :
- Solanum indicum - roots : 15 gr
- Graines de cumin : 10 gr
- Gingembre s?ch? : 5 gr
in 450 ml water and boil slowly up to 75 ml.
You can substitute Solanum indicum roots in the formaula by :
- Aegle marmelos (in case of vomiting)
- Pseudarthria viscida - rootss (in case of diarrhoea)
- Raisin and Chebulic mirobolan (in case of constipation)
- Ajowan - Trachyspermum ammi (in case of indigestion)
- Leucas aspera - roots (in case of stomachache)
- Graines d'Aneth (in case of inactive bowels)
- Dasamoola (in case of fever)
- Vasaka - Adhatoda vasica (in case of cough, blood vomiting)
- Punarnava - Boerhaavia diffusa (in case of dropsy)
In later pregnancy, a pill taken daily in a decoction of Cardiospermum hallicacabum or Sida cordifolia roots leads to easy delivery.
Composition :