BALA : Thuthi, Sida Cordifolia - Malvaceae
Bala means ?strength?. Its stem and roots are tough and this is literally what they impart ? inner strength. It is a nourishing tonic, especially for nervous conditions.
Energetics :
- Rasa (taste) : Sweet
- Virya (action) : Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) : Sweet
- Guna (quality) : Heavy, Unctuous
Dosha : VPK=.
Mainly clears high pitta and vata.
Can increase kapha and ama in excess.
Dhatu (tissue) : All tissues. Primarily Nerve and Reproductive
Srota (channel) : Nervous, Reproductive, Urinary, Circulatory, Respiratory
Action :
Demulcent, diuretic, tonic, adaptogen, anti-spasmodic, anti-pyretic, anti-fungal/protazoal, expectorant, nervine, analgesic, aphrodisiac.
Strengthening, anabolic, weight increasing herb, reduces breathing difficulty, rejuvenative, heart tonic, Increases sexual potency, promotes energy, promotes intellect, pacifies vata and neurological disorsers.
Indications :
URINARY: Cystitis, stones, infection, haematuria, polyuria, urgency- high pitta and vata in mutradharasrota.
NERVES: Pain, neuralgia, sciatica, paralysis, neurosis, high vata.
It is an excellent energy tonic when there is exhaustion due to an aggravated nervous system. An external oil massage using warm Bala siddha taila is commonly used for these conditions along with internal treatment.
REPRODUCTIVE: Infertility, leucorrhoea, apanaksetra congestion. Used to aid the growth of the foetus and keep the mother strong.
Bala is a renowned energy tonic that enhances sexual potency and ojas.
LUNGS: Dry cough, asthma, tuberculosis, hemoptysis- vata/pitta disorders of Lungs.
The low levels of ephedrine help to bronchodilate constriction and prevent wheezing and restricted breathing
FEVER: High temperature from an underlying deficiency and weakness.
HEART: Heart tonic- arrythmia, tacchycardia, irregular pulse, palpitations.
As it benefits mamsadhatu and mamsavasrota it is used to strengthen the heart muscle.
Bala is a great heart tonic used for treating arrythmia, tacchycardia, irregular pulse and palpitations
Combinations :
- Gokshura, Licorice, Coriander in urinary infection from high pitta-vata.
- Fresh Ginger, Lemon grass, Black pepper in fever.
- Pippali, Anthrapachaka in vata-pitta respiratory problems
Also with Ephedra and Vasaka in congestive lung disorders.
- Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Lotus seed in reproductive disorders.
- Ashwagandha and Kapikacchu in paralysis.
- Arjuna, Guggul for cardiac disorders.
Contraindications :
High ama and kapha. Hypertension.
1g - 5gm per day
1/2 teaspoon before breakfast and after diner mixed with warm water
* It is used as a primary ingredient in massage oils (Bala siddha taila and Narayana taila) for treating arthritis, nervous system disorders and paralysis.
* Often taken with milk and almonds to enhance tonic effects.
* The ephedrine content of the root is 1/15 of that found in Ephedra with the seeds containing a quarter of the amount per gram usually found in Ephedra.