GUDUCHI : Tinospora cordifolia -Menispermaceae
Energetics :
- Rasa (taste) : Bitter, Astringent
- Virya (action) : Heating
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) : Sweet
- Guna (quality) : Light, Unctuous
Doshas : VPK=, primarily VP-
Dhatus (tissues) : Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Fat
Srotas (systems) : Circulatory, Digestive
Action :
Cholagogue, detoxicant, alterative, immune tonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anthelmintic, nervine, increases appetite, quenches thirst, Rasayana- rejuvenative, nerve tonic, reduces fevers, destroys toxins, reliever of gout/arthritis, cleans the blood, purifier of sperm.
Indications :
Liver damage, viral hepatitis, poisoning, alcohol, drugs, chemicals. Useful in repairing fibrosis and regenerating liver tissue. Applied in all conditions of aggravated ranjakapitta and pitta in the blood.
Gout, arthritis and other inflammatory joint conditions. It acts by clearing the accumulated toxins and uric acid out through the urinary system.
All auto-immune diseaes causing inflammation. Applicable in degenerative diseases- cancer, AIDS, arthritis etc as it boosts the immne system.
Eczema, psoriasis, SLE. Specific for burning sensations on the skin (daha).
Regulates the bowel- constipation, haemorrhoids, dysentery. Useful in floral imbalance, 'candida'. Used to stimulate raktadhatvagni and strengthen digestion in pitta types.
Regulates blood sugar levels- diabetes and hypoglycaemia. Regulates vata and the nervous system.
Its ability to clear heat is applied when sexual dysfunction is caused by a hyper- heat condition. Often used in formulas for male sexual dysfunction caused by pitta imbalance.
This is a creeper that grows throught the forests of India. Those growing up Neem trees are said to be the best. Its strength is in rejuvenating and strengthening whilst also detoxifying and cleansing.
It has very interesting energetics. It is bitter, yet heating and also sweet post-digestively. Its bitter quality clears pitta, its heating energy burns ama and its enduring sweet effect gives it an aphrodisiac quality that nourishes reproductive fluids.
Its prabhava is to clear toxins (Ama) :
Guduchi + Ginger for amavata,
Guduchi + Pippali for amakapha,
Guduchi + Neem for amapitta
Contraindications :
Caution in pregnancy
Dosage :
1/2 teaspoon morning and evening mixed with hot water or some honey.
1 - 10 g per day in decoction