Others names :
Dicalcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, Calc phos, Calcium Phosphate
Nomenclature :
- Numbering in Germany II
- Numbering in France: I
Word Master:
- The process of regeneration and building
- Drugs for blood, lymph and broken bones
- Fortifying
- Action and relaxing muscle antispasmodic (heart)
Overview :
Calcium phos is all the most common minerals in the body, it is a component of all cells and tissues gives them strength.
He also participated to a considerable extent (60-80%) in the formation of bone tissue. His lack will result in slow growth, rickets (settlement of short bones, curvatures of the long bones), a late and fragile teeth, anemia by lack of assimilation (essential anemia girls), cold extremities ( tingling and numbness).
All his ailments are in phase with time, aggravated by damp cold and improved by heat.
Salts strengthening its action:
- On the bones: Calcium Fluoratum Silica chloratum Natrium, Magnesium phosphoricum .
- In the Blood: chloratum Natrium, Natrium sulphuricum, Kali phos, Ferrum phos, Kali chloratum, Natrium phos
- On muscles: Calcium Fluoratum Ferrum phos, Kali chloratum, Kali phos, Kali sulphuricum, Magnesium phos, chloratum Natrium, Natrium phos
Indications :
- Rickets (osteomalacia)
- Anemia (essential for girls)
- Fractures (poorly-healing)
- Aerophagia
- Dyspepsia acids
- Flatulence
- Diarrhea summer (after indigestion cold drinks, ice, etc ...)
- Diarrhoea dentition (stool undigested food)
- Rheumatic pain (cold and wet weather, improved heat)
- Renal lithiasis .
- Hydrocele .
- Eczema .
- Seeps dander or yellowish white .
- Pityriasis
- Otitis Media (flow thick yellowish-white purulent, creamy)
- Colic (babies)
- Cradle cap
- Rapid growth
- Growing Pains
- Coldness
- Tingling in the extremities
- Lack of appetite (weight loss)
- Well (reduces the healing phase)
- Disorders of dentition (delay, weakness)
- Bleeding disorders (hemorrhage)
- Stimulates milk secretion
- Muscle cramps
- Backache
- Disturbances of heart rhythm (too fast) v
- Sunburn
- Fever
- Pregnancy (growth process)
- Glandular disorders
- Appeal for spicy, smoked
- Trouble hematopoiesis
Symptoms :
- Sinks cold
- Heat
- White crusts
Psychic information:
- Allows learning easier
- Strengthens the will, confidence in his own talents
- Acts on asthenia students
Posologie :
- For a quick effect and intensified, melt 5-7 tablets in a glass of warm water (boiled water) and drink slowly in small strokes .
- In acute, take 1 tablet every hour or up to every 30 minutes
- In chronic, take 1 tablet 1-3 times daily
Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Sch?ssler (1821-1898), a physician and homeopath in Oldenburg, is the founder of the biochemical therapeutic method, also called Biochemistry.
It starts of two theories: "The disease of the body is an altered state of the cell" and "impairment of each cell is due to a deficiency of inorganic salts".
He deduced that we will get the health of the cell and, consequently, that of the whole body by compensating for deficiencies of essential minerals.
In his treatment so he tries to restore the normal state of the cell and its physiological functions through the provision of necessary minerals, hence the name of functional tissue remedies or cures.
These salts are natural elements, the small doses used do not correspond to the actual shortfall, they encourage the body to use these doses for assimilation.
The effect is due to the highly energized salts stimulating the body to use the salts already present in the body.
We now know that there would be no biochemical process without minerals: animal and plant life would perish.